Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Time to Ralph

Remember when I said I didn’t see many movies in 2012. Well, I saw enough to know which was my favorite. It wasn’t any of the best picture nominees (because I didn’t see any of them, except for “Life of Pi” which did in no way make me believe in the existence of God), and it wasn’t “The Avengers” or “The Hunger Games” or “The Hobbit” or “Brave.” It was a little movie about a guy with really big fists and a girl with candy in her hair and how they both learned to be heroes. Yes, I know, I totally loved “Wreck-It Ralph.” Granted, I’m a sucker for animation and when you couple that with my fond thoughts of precious allowance quarters spent at the arcade during grade school, you have a movie I’d gladly watch again and again. A film as clever as it is fun, with morals baked in so carefully you’ll gladly take another slice. And, while it doesn’t have any overtly gay characters, it does have Jane Lynch. And that’s always a win for Team Rainbow in my book. The rest of the voice talent of John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Alan Tudyk and Mindy Kaling ain’t so shabby either. So this week instead of finally getting around to watching “Argo” or that movie where the vampires’ heads pop off like Barbie dolls, go find yourself a copy of the movie that’s just as sweet as it looks.

p.s. Wanna waste an afternoon? You can play the games too.

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