Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Our Girls

Today I feel a lot better than yesterday, I know that. I’ve been engrossed in the Supreme Court hearings these past two days, reading, watching, listening. Yesterday, after some procedural wishy-washiness by the Supremes in the Prop. 8 case, it seemed as if no sweeping decision would be forthcoming on marriage equality. But today, after hearing reports on the DOMA hearing I feel like hard-fought victory may be close at hand. Of course, we shouldn’t get too excited. It won’t be until probably late June until we know for sure. But for now, I feel invigorated. Of course, we also have to ask ourselves what took so long. Because contrary to some justice’s assertions, “gay marriage” is not newer than cell phones or the internet. It’s been around for as long as gay men and lesbian women and all other people in the LGBT spectrum have vowed to love and honor each other until death do they part. Heck, our friends “The Golden Girls” knew it way back in 1991. That’s 22 years ago. We are all friends of Sophia now.

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