Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Kiss the future

If you’re gay or a lady or a human with a functioning sense of empathy, election season can really start to get you down. Our bodies, our loves, our lives get thrown round like a political football. We’re used as a wedge. We’re used as a divider. We’re used as a scare tactic. It can all get rather disheartening. I just want to live my life and be a decent person and watch too much TV, like everybody else. But, the good news is, no matter what happens this election, we’ll all wake up Nov. 7 and do just that. Sure, it may or may not be easier and fairer for us that next morning. But we’ll still be who we are and love and laugh and eat a Reese’s for breakfast because those free-loading kids shouldn’t get all the Halloween candy, right? And, whenever another idiot talking about what rape is or how our relationships are abominations or why corporations really are people, remember there are also lovely people – all over the world – who think the exact opposite. And those people will stand up with us against the tide of injustice with their voices and vote and, like our French friends above are doing in front of an anti-gay rally, their lips.

p.s. If you are still down, give my lovely friend Up Popped a Fox and her lovely post a read. Hope and perspective bring forth better days.

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