Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

At last, an update

Right, so I owe you fine folks an update on my Indiegogo perks distribution. And that update is that they are still coming. And I am extremely sorry because I have not gotten them out sooner. When my laptop crashed and burned I lost a bunch of the files I’d been working on the get your perks sent out. I am currently using my tiny, slow backup netbook, which is limited to say the least. I haven’t bought my new laptop yet (I know, I KNOW, stop yelling at me Mac people.) But once I finally buy my oh-so-terribly needed new laptop, I will resume work on getting the perks out to you and promise to have them delivered to every single last one of you before the end of the year. Have I mentioned already that I am sorry? My lack of a good laptop is also the reason, among others, many of my posts have been a little later than normal. Like, you know, this one.

Also, as long as we’re discussing things I feel guilty about, I am working on making a dent in my inbox. It’s ugly in there, but I am trying. If I haven’t written you back it is not because I don’t care. It’s because I suck at writing back.

So. To recap. I am sorry. I haven’t forgotten about you. Thank you for your patience. Have I mentioned how pretty you look today? No. Well, you do.

A few other quick reminders about me, blah blah, narcissism, blah:

You can always find me on Twitter @dorothysnarker
You can sometimes fine me on Tumblr @ Ms. Snarker Regrets
You can read my slightly more professional thoughts every week @

Thank you, as always, for reading. And now as thanks please enjoy this picture of Lena Headey gently brushing her hair behind her ear. It’s the least I can do.

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