Kamis, 12 September 2013

Fall into TV

It’s officially mid-September which means it’s officially time to get excited about fall TV. Which means it’s officially time to judge the new trailers for the new fall season. Most people are talking about all the new, shiny shows coming to our TVs. But, to be honest, none of them really do it for me. I mean, sure, there’s the Joss Whedon-sized elephant in the room, which I of course will watch. But the other stuff? I’m going to give “Trophy Wife” a chance because of Sarah Haskins. And maybe I’ll give “The Michael J. Fox” show a chance because Michael J. Fox was my first celebrity crush. (Don’t judge, if you squint he looks like a short, butch lesbian.) But everything else? Eh. Still, there’s plenty to get excited about. Like the returning shows. Yes, return to me, shows. Envelop me in your warm, electric embrace. Yeah, perhaps I should get out more.

Anyway, on to the judging!

Lost Girl

Sadly, there’s absolutely nothing new in this trailer. In fact it’s all scenes from Season 3 and some were even used in the promos for last season. But, damn, if I’m still not excited to have Bo and the gang back just as much. And I dig that version of “The Wanderer,” I really do. Back Nov. 10 on Showcase in Canada. (Not back in the U.S. until 2014. We’re not saying Bo, we’re saying Boooooo, Syfy.)


Yes, I’ve resigned myself to watching again. Mostly it’s to see Naya and Demi make out, because I am a deeply, deeply shallow person. Also, it’s nice to have bright colors & kids dancing on while I do the dishes. Back Sept. 26 on Fox.

American Horror Story: Coven

This show scares the ever-loving shit out of me. Like I watch in absolute terror. But it is also the show I am absolutely most excited to see because Jessica Lange, Sarah Paulson, Angela Bassett and Kathy Bates. Also witches, some evil witches. (Which we all know is ridiculous, ’cause witches – they were persecuted, Wicca good and love the earth and woman power and I’ll be over here.) Back Oct. 9 of FX.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Right. So, I’ll be watching this. Duh. Premieres Sept. 24 on ABC.

Right, so which returning (and new, if you must) shows are you most excited about?

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