Rabu, 19 September 2012

Fall of lesbians

Hey, in case you hadn’t noticed, it’s fall. I don’t mean the weather necessarily – though I did grab my hoodie to take the garbage out last night. I mean on your teevee, where it really matters. Yes, the fall TV season has begun and, yes, Virginia, there are a few new lesbians. Sure, many of our favorite fictional lesbian and bisexual women are also coming back – Callie, Arizona, Santana, Brittany, Emily, Paige, Kalinda. I could go on, but there aren’t that many more, sadly. But not to those happy few will be a few more.

p.s. Yes, that’s who you think it is in the picture. Yes, get excited!

Julie White as Anne, Go On, NBC, Tuesdays
Sure, no one is particularly thrilled about another Angry Lesbian character. Well, unless she’s played by the hilarious Julie White.

Lauren German as Leslie, Chicago Fire, NBC, Oct. 10
A lesbian EMT. In a tank top. I’m in.

Kelly McCreary as Tyra, Emily Owens M.D, CW, Oct. 16
She plays gay lady doctor which worked out for Olivia Wilde.

Leisha Hailey & Constance Zimmer as the wonderful eloquent lesbian couple, The New Normal, NBC, Tuesdays
When I first heard that Ryan Murphy had promised us a “wonderful eloquent lesbian couple” on the show my fight or flight instincts flaring up. Then I heard Leisha Hailey was one of the lesbians. And I wanted to hug everyone in the world instead.
All is forgiven, Ryan Murphy*.

So far, I’ve got to hand it to NBC. Two lesbians in hand and two more in the – yes, I’m totally going there – bush. What shows seem to be tickling your remote control areas this season?

*Not really.

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